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How it Began

Ever since I could walk, I always have had an admiration and deep love for all animals. When I was preschool age I would collect and organize a sea of stuffed dogs and cats in my bedroom. I still vividly remember being able to pet a dog for the first time, it was such a joyous and peaceful moment for me. My love for animals and most specifically, dogs, continued to grow as I grew up.


Unfortunately when growing up, my parents were unable to fulfil one of my dreams which was owning and taking care of a dog, due to their severe allergies. To combat this void I had in my heart, in my teenage years, I started to volunteer at an animal shelter to get my daily dose of dog love and snuggles. I enjoyed working with animals tremendously, and as soon as I could, I started my first job working in a dog daycare and boarding facility. 


Throughout my young adult life I have worked in animal shelters, dog boarding facilities, vet offices, pet care companies, and finally stumbled upon a dog grooming salon. I immediately knew that I found my career choice and my calling. 


While working at different grooming salons I realized that most dogs did not enjoy the process; they would get overwhelmed with the noise of other barking dogs, scared when put in cages, and a lot of them would experience some sort of anxiety while being away from their owners. Some groomers were not capable to cater to each dog's unique individual needs and thus the overall aura in the salon was not pleasant for both the dogs and the groomers.


I knew that these problems needed to be solved, and that is when Maha the Groomer was born. I solve all these issues and more while creating a pleasant and stress free experience for your dog. I make sure your dog is comfortable by going at their pace, incorporating gentle and fear free handling, and giving them soft spoken and encouraging words. Your dog's unique needs will be addressed; whether it be nervousness, anxiety, or fear, and worked through with patience, love, and tender care. 

How it's Done

​​​I believe that every dog is most comfortable in their/a home environment. I come and groom your dog from inside your own home to maximize your dog's comfort and help calm any anxieties. I bring all my supplies and would just need a place to bathe your dog and a place I can set up my grooming table.


If you prefer, I also groom dogs in my home with no cages and in a peaceful and cozy home environment. Each appointment is a one-on-one only experience and your dog will be groomed from start to finish with no cages or crates, thus minimizing the time away from home and creating an overall positive experience. 


Each appointment starts with an in-depth pet assessment where I determine your pet's skin and coat needs, discuss haircut preferences, and make any additional recommendations. I then bathe and/or bathe and groom your pet and finish off by adding a stylish bandana or bow along with spritz from my large selection of our best-smelling colognes.

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